The man falls into the volcano: a soldier survives a 70-foot drop in the Hawaiian active volcano


Kilauea volcano in Hawaii could again burst

A 32-year-old soldier trying to see better in the interior of Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii fell on Wednesday night, authorities said. He was seriously injured but survived after falling to a depth of 10 meters into the crater of the volcano.

According to park spokesman Ben Hayes, the man passed over the metal railing of the Steaming Bluff to look into the crater when the ground collapsed beneath him.

The soldier – whose name was not disclosed – hails from the Schofield Barracks in Oahu, but participated in training exercises on Big Island in Hawaii when the accident occurred. product.

Hayes said that another visitor had witnessed the fall around 18:30. and alerted the authorities. The man was not released from the caldera until around 21:40. Instead of falling 300 feet, it landed on a narrow ledge about 70 feet deep.

The park and county rescuers were able to abseil on the ledge, secure the man on a stretcher and bring him back to where he was flown to Hilo Medical Center. .

"Visitors should never cross the safety gates, especially near the dangerous and destabilized edges of the cliffs," said chief of foresters John Broward in a statement. Crossing the barriers and entering closed areas can result in serious injury and death. "

The man was seriously injured but was restored to a stable state on Thursday. "He is obviously doing remarkably well for his fall," said Matthias Kusch, chief of the county fire brigade of Hawaii. "Only time will tell what wounds he has."

Kilauea is not erupting, but it is an active volcano that destroyed over 700 homes on the big island when it broke out a year ago, affecting about 3,000 people.

The last fatal accident in the park took place on October 29, 2017.


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