The man ignites on Pennsylvania Avenue and North Lawn is cleared


A man ignited himself on fire while he was just outside the White House on Friday, officials said.

Secret Service agents responded to the news shortly after 3 pm According to a tweet, a man set himself on fire as he was placed along the fence line north of the White House.

The suspect "was using a wheelchair-type electric scooter" when officials said he had fired his outer jacket. He immediately met uniformed division officers who extinguished the flames and administered first aid, the Secret Service said in a separate tweet.

The man was taken to a hospital in the area where he was being treated for life-threatening injuries. CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller tweeted a picture of the suspect being taken away from the scene.


Secret Service agents reportedly cleaned up the north lawn and were looking for additional equipment in the area that could have been brought into the area. Authorities also closed Pennsylvania Avenue to pedestrians, while adjacent streets were closed to vehicles.

This is a story in development. Please check again for updates.


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