‘The Mandalorian’ just gave Gina Carano a way out of ‘Star Wars’


Warning: this episode contains spoilers for season 2, episode 4 of ‘The Mandalorian’

“Star Wars: The Mandalorian” recently hinted that Cara Dune could be headed somewhere else in a galaxy far, far away. And given the recent controversies over actress Gina Carano, it’s hard not to see the moment as a potential way for her to quit the show.

Why are some people angry with Gina Carano?

Carano has been criticized in recent weeks for the way she shared her political beliefs on Twitter and social media. Carano spoke about voter fraud in the 2020 election, tweeting about removing false votes and requiring ID in voting booths, which I wrote for the Deseret News.

There was a strong backlash on social media, with some fans calling for her to be released from “The Mandalorian.” Responses were mostly isolated on social media, which does not reflect the general population in most cases.

Carano received more negative reactions on social media days later when she posted a meme that made fun of people who wore face masks. She posted the meme on her Twitter account.

Fans immediately took off, prompting the hashtag #FireGinaCarano to become trending on the social media platform.

‘The Mandalorian’ just gave it a release

We don’t know how the rest of the second season will play out. But the most recent episode – titled “The Siege” – gave Carano character Cara Dune a go if she or Disney want the actress to leave the show because of the backlash.

The episode showed New Republic officers responding to an incident caused in the episode. One of the officers asks Dune if she would consider joining the New Republic, referring to her history as a soldier and her time in Alderaan. She fires him, saying she doesn’t want to join the fight.

It’s one of those foreshadowing moments that hints at Dune making some sort of movement into the future. She left with a New Republic medal, which she looks at with envy. It’s a deep clue that Dune could join the New Republic on the road.

Again, we don’t know if Carano wants to quit the show, or if the showrunners of “The Mandalorian” want her to quit. But the recent episode has created a potential exit point if the recent social media controversy becomes too much to handle.


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