‘The Mandalorian’ left a crew member onscreen during this week’s episode


The last episode of “The Mandalorian” had an easy to miss blunder – a crew member in a shirt and jeans can be spotted all of a sudden trying to hide behind Carl Weathers during a battle scene.

If you’ve got Disney +, quickly move this week’s episode forward to around 6:54 p.m., as Mando opens fire alongside Greef Karga – played by Weathers, who directed this episode – and Gina Carano’s Cara Dune. As you can see, if you press pause – or just look at the image above – you can catch a crew member huddling against the wall, trying to hide behind Weathers in the photo. It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it blooper, and the crew member is gone when the camera returns to the trio after a brief cut to the guards they are shooting at.

This is an easy mistake to miss, and apparently one that many people at Disney and Lucasfilm haven’t seen because the photo in question was used as a promotional image by Disney + for the episode. It’s not as blatant as the infamous shot from the final season of “Game of Thrones” where a cup of coffee was left on a table next to Daenerys Targaryen, forcing HBO to change the cup on the streaming version. of the episode.

“The Mandalorian” is halfway into its second season, with new episodes airing on Disney + every Friday through December 18.


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