‘The Mandalorian’: Season 2 Episode 6 Recap – The Child Is [Spoiler]


With its opening title revealed, this week’s episode of The Mandalorian viewers worried: what would “The Tragedy” be? Were you sufficiently armed for what happened next?

The episode started off light and bright, with Mando laughing every time Grogu answered his first name. But, Mando reminded the child (and himself?), Their mission was to bring the child to the temple ruins on Tython and unite him with a Jedi. But the more Mando detailed the child’s fate, the more it seemed like he was talking himself to follow him, for that meant parting with the little one.

Mandalorian 2x06 Sight StoneThe journey to Tython goes off without incident, as Mando parks the Razor Crest and throws himself and the child towards the rock that sees on top of a mountain. Mando puts the child on the stone, but nothing seems to happen, so he sets off in search of any sort of “control” to start the process. Just then, a ship appears in the sky – Boba Fett’s Slave I, to be exact! – then Mando will grab Grogu and take him to safety. But the engravings on the Vision Stone have since lit up, and Grogu entered a deep and meditative state, attaining the Force. In addition, a kind of “energy field” emanates from the engravings, preventing Mando from reaching his parish.

“I followed you, Mandalorian,” says the masked figure emerging from slave I. Mando assumes the person is after the child, but no, he wants Mando’s armor – that is, the one he took Cobb Vanth. Because this bald, scarred man, who was spotted earlier in the season on Tatooine, is Indeed Boba Fett. This fact is confirmed by his companion, Fennec Shand, aka the assassin Mando left for dead in Season 1 but was saved by Boba Fett (and apparently a certain amount of Bionics).

Boba (am I permit to call him Boba? Although that looks like tea?) Says that in exchange for the armor that belongs to him, he and Fennec will ensure the safety of the child, the bounty on who soared enough high. But then another the ship descends on Tython, from which many stormtroopers emerge. A protracted battle ensues, with Fennec using his rifle and Boba brutally brandishing his staff. Mando runs during this time to grab the child, but is again zapped by the energy field. In one of the best wins in the series to date, Fennec at one point pushes a huge boulder down a hill, and he mows down several soldiers, Raiders-style. But just when it looks like the soldiers have been neutralized, a second carrier full of ’em land!

Mando, using his whistling birds, and Fennec do their best to fend off this new wave of villains, until Boba jetpacks onto the stage, having recovered his full armor from Razor Crest. Dropping bombs and firing missiles from his kneecaps (!), He forces the remaining soldiers to retreat. As the two transporters take off, Boba locks his jetpack missile onto one, and its explosion ends up blowing the other.

But then tragedy # 1 strikes, when a missile behind the clouds hits the planet and completely detonates the Razor Crest. As Mando gets a glimpse of the Imperial cruiser the missile was launched from, we see Moff Gideon ordering the dispatch of his Darktroopers, four of whom rocket to the surface of Tython and easily claim the child, who sleeps after his interaction. tiring with the stone that sees. Boba in Slave I do a small sequel to the Darktroopers, discovering: “They’re back! The Empire ”, as he lays his eyes on the cruiser.

After Mando retrieves the gearshift knob and his Beskar staff from the ashes of the Razor Crest, Boba reveals his chain code, explaining that his father Jango had been a foundling and therefore the armor belongs to him. Mando agrees and claims their deal is complete, but Boba notes that he and Fennec ensured the safety of the now abducted child, so that they remain in debt to the Mandalorian. The Three Courts for Nevarro, where Mando asks Cara Dune – now a marshall badged for the New Republic – to bend some rules and help him get Mayfeld out of prison, to help him follow the Imperial cruiser. Cara is uncertain, until she realizes that the child has been taken. And then she quickly changes melody.

Mandalorian 2x06Meanwhile, aboard the Imperial Cruiser…. Moff Gideon checks on the child who in his cell uses the Force to throw two soldiers like rag dolls. Gideon is very pleased with the child’s powers, but is happy that their use makes the creature “ohhh so sleepy!” Gideon pulls out his black saber and asks the kid if he “ever seen one of these, years ago…?” Grogu is too out of breath to react. But for good measure, Gideon orders a soldier to shoot / knock out the kid (!!!) and put him in shackles (!!!!!!!). He then tells his communications officer to send an encrypted message to Dr Pershing, saying the donor has been secured….

What did you think of “The Tragedy”?


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