‘The Mandalorian’ season 3 has yet to solve the series’ biggest mystery


Why was Grogu kidnapped in the first place? As Baby Yoda was taken by Luke Skywalker to some sort of Jedi daycare, the question that started the journey of The Mandalorian still has not received a response. Throughout the two seasons of I send, we gradually learned a little more about Grogu, the Mandalorian sect to which Din Djarin belongs and the general policy of the postReturn of the Jedi galaxy. However, the plot that set it all in motion has yet to be revealed.

How did Grogu end up in this strange warehouse on Nevarro, and what did Moff Gideon want with him? Yes, Gideon bluntly said it was about harvesting some of Baby Yoda’s blood, but to what end?

Regardless of what happens with Luke Skywalker, Bo-Katan, or Mando himself, season 3 of The Mandalorian will have to answer this question. Here is how it could play out.

How did I get here?Lucasfilm

What was Gideon’s plan? The most popular theory to explain Moff Gideon’s diagram is that the events of The Mandalorian represent the start of Palpatine’s infamous resurrection in The Rise of Skywalker. Poe Dameron said “sort of” that Palpatine returned, and maybe the “how” in that statement is that Moff Gideon harvested enough Grogu Midichlorians to get a decent Sith Clone Body prepared for a reborn version of Palpatine. Presumably the problem with a regular Palps clone is that it could lack the midichlorians needed to support all of this Dark-Side-of-the Force action. Dr Pershing has often referred to Grogu as a “donor”, which means that there is somebody who receives this blood. The good money seems to be on that someone who is Palpatine.

You would like to see me again, right?Lucasfilm

Will Palpatine appear? By the time Luke Skywalker appeared in Season 2, and Ahsoka is talking about hunting down Grand Admiral Thrawn, the answer to that question might simply be, “Why not?” If there is a Palpatine clone that lives to “old age” at the time of The Rise of Skywalker, then we might be dealing with a middle-aged Palpatine clone, sitting in a lab somewhere during the events of The Mandalorian. Back before The Rise of Skywalker came out, several fan theories suggested Matt Smith could play a younger Palpatine clone in Episode IX. Obviously this turned out do not be the case. But, the notion of younger Palpatine Mandalorian Season 3 is interesting, and if you look at it a certain way, it’s not entirely unlikely.

How much Force does Grogu still have?Lucasfilm

What does this mean for Baby Yoda? The fact that there is a Mandalorian Season 3 somewhere on the horizon should make one thing pretty obvious: Baby Yoda and Mando will be reunited. There is no version of Mandalorian Season 3 where Baby Yoda just isn’t mentioned, and Mando goes about his business as a Bounty Hunter or King of Mandalore or whatever. The heart and soul of the show are Mando and Baby Yoda.

So how could they be reunited? What if Gideon was telling the truth? What if the Imperials made extract all the midichlorians they needed from Grogu? If this is true, could they have lowered Grogu’s midichlorian account? In other words, was Baby Yoda’s ability to use the Force actually stolen? If so, you can quickly imagine a reason Why Mando and Baby Yoda could get back together. After several months, if not a year, new full-time babysitter Luke Skywalker might notice that Grogu is getting weaker and weaker, mainly because the Midichlorians have been pulled out. This could then require a new mission for Mando: find the missing blood!

But, in the meantime, it could also mean that maybe Luke might feel like Grogu’s training just doesn’t make sense. If you don’t have a high number of Midichlorians, you can’t be a Jedi, right? This is a detail that the Star Wars cannon has failed on since 1999. But, if Grogu loses his ability to use the Force, or even has diminished the powers of the Force, then suddenly there is a very good reason why ‘he comes back to his best father. ; Din Djarin.

Mandalorian season 3 is set to debut in 2022.


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