The Mandalorian wants to play with the expanded universe of Star Wars


The Mandalorian may find himself confronted with familiar concepts for fans of the old EU.
Image: Lucasfilm

Since Disney and Lucasfilm reorganized the Star wars the acquisition of the latter, the expanded Universe, a safe of Star wars narrative for decades, has been reclassified as mythological "legend", non-canonical tales of a bygone age. But that does not mean that it's gone for good, and the people behind The mandalorian are more than aware of that.

A lot of hubbub was done this week after Mandalorian Producer and producer Jon Favreau told Entertainment Weekly that the team behind the series had "had conversations" about using elements from the old, expanded Universe to expand the world of the new series:

I do not want to talk about anything that can be fun for people to discover. We have conversations. Part of what's fun to see if we could merge the worlds of the original trilogy, the prequels, the sequels, The war of clones, and what was considered canon up to now and what has been considered part of Legends. I think this show offers the opportunity to bring all these elements, whatever your flavor. Star wars Ice cream you like there will be something to enjoy. But you ask the right questions.

But because Favreau said this in response to a question of whether Grand Admiral Thrawn – a character reintroduced into Star wars cannon through Star Wars Rebels, with an excellent series of novels by its original creator, Timothy Zahn, unveiling it further – or Mara Jade – the former dark agent of the emperor become Luke's wife Skywalker in the old extended universe – could appear in the show, there has naturally been a lot of talk about whether or not these two characters could appear in The mandalorian.

Which is silly because, thanks to the way we know Star Wars Rebels finished, we already know that Thrawn is not really at the moment The mandalorian is set. Unless Pedro Pascal is about to compete with a few whales in cosmic space. And Mara Jade? Well, maybe there could be a character in this vein – a former agent of the Empire who fumbled in forces of dark force, now tracing his own path following his demise – but that will not be not the case. the Mara Jade, Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order, wife of Luke and mother of Ben, as fans of the old EU know. It will be something new, a twist to what was before. Because … that's what the new Star wars Canon has been doing this for years.

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And we should not be surprised The mandalorian is no exception, since as well produced by a man whose previous work is largely responsible for many elements of the old expanded universe that have made their way into the current canon: Dave Filoni.

Filoni was the showrunner on Wars of clones (who has reported so much, and even tried to resuscitate deep concepts like Yuuzahn Vong or Darth Revan) and The rebels (which, beyond Thrawn's aforementioned replay, touched elements of the beloved Knights of the Old Republic and the ancient legacies of Mandalorian culture, itself radically reworked by Wars of clones), two sources largely responsible for the re-canonization of elements of the wider universe.

Play with the retouch of these elements in the Star wars galaxy, as we understand it now, is a recurring theme in his work. It is therefore unlikely that Thrawn or Mara Jade could specifically The mandalorianthe fact that he wants to bring elements is not at all surprising. The post office-Return of the jedi era of Star wars is still a relatively virgin canvas The mandalorian can and should play around, and if some of that involves some backtracking of Star wars'Legends previous, so it's more than correct for us.

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The mandalorian begins on Disney + when it launches in the United States on November 12th.

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