The Marvel weapon more powerful than the gauntlet of infinity


With Avengers: Endgame approaching, we will finally see how the Avengers manage to find a way to stop Thanos and the amazing power of Infinity Gauntlet, which was used to kill half of the universe. The sheer scale of the destructive abilities of the Infinity Gauntlet has fascinated many fans with the cosmic device.

At the same time, however, the very nature of creating a "most powerful" weapon has led to the obvious question of "okay, but is there really nothing else more powerful than that? The truth is that there seems to be another cosmic element in the Marvel multiverse that is considered to be more powerful than the gauntlet of infinity. Its existence, however, is controversial.

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RELATED: Can the Gauntlet of Infinity be destroyed?

Although he has written many famous comic book stories over the years, it is clear that Jim Starlin is now best known for being the author of the film Infinite Gauntlet, the 1991 crossroads where Thanos assembled the aforementioned collection of Infinity Stones (known at the time as Infinity Gems) to eliminate half of the universe.

Since then, Starlin has produced a number of follow-up stories featuring Thanos and his heroic counterpart, Adam Warlock. His first two followed, War of Infinity and Crusade to infinity, directly followed Infinity Gauntlet in 1992 and 1993, respectively. Starlin then fell behind for ten years before returning to Marvel in 2003 with Marvel: the end.

The end was a series of titles published by Marvel between 2003 and 2010 in order to show the "final" story featuring the different Marvel heroes. However, Starlin went further with his series of six numbers simply titled Marvel: the end (written and drawn by Starlin and Al Milrom). The concept of the series is that the supreme being of the multiverse Marvel decided that there were too many superhero resurrections. This unbalanced the universe because there were more people alive than it should be. So, a powerful weapon called the heart of the universe was created to help balance things.

This weapon was entrusted to an Egyptian pharaoh named Akhenaton. Akhenaton then proceeded to eliminate most of the heroes of the Marvel Universe. However, the remaining heroes, as well as Dr. Doom (who wanted the weapon for himself) challenged Akhenaton and eventually the weapon found himself in Thanos' hands.

It was not something that the remaining heroes (and the cosmic beings of the Marvel Universe) were cool to arrive …

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