The Masters: Star golfers vote on Georgia’s restrictive new voting law


Signed into law last month, election legislation imposes new voter identification requirements for postal ballots, allows state officials to take over local election commissions, restricts the use of ballot boxes and makes it a crime to approach voters online to give them the water.

“I have to be respectful and rather careful in what I say because I am not a citizen of this country, but I certainly think that all great countries and democracies are built on equal voting rights and that everyone can be get to the polls just as easily. as possible, ”four-time winner Rory McIlroy told reporters on Tuesday.

“I’m all for getting people to come out and vote and have a great democracy, and I chose to live in this country because I believe this country is the best country in the world. You know America is the land of opportunity and that’s the American dream. You work hard, you are rewarded. So I believe in all of this.

“But yes, I am all for that people can have the right to vote and be able to do it in the simplest way possible.”

The PGA Tour has already said it will not move the season-ending championship from Atlanta this year, scheduled for Sept. 2-5, saying it has a financial commitment to charities and the local community.

Collin Morikawa, the winner of the 2020 PGA Championship, praised the work of the PGA and believes the voting law should be the center of the conversation this week when the eyes of the world watch golf.

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“This voter and voter stuff for American citizens is very important,” he told reporters. “I think that’s the topic we should all be talking about. We shouldn’t be talking about whether we’re here or not. The Masters, the PGA Tour, we do such a good job and we try to help the communities. .and I think that’s our main goal for the week.

“But overall, the subject of voter rights and stuff, that should be the subject we’re talking about, not if we’re golfing here. We’re trying to do our best to help communities and obviously give back to it. that we’re doing for the week, and that’s our ability to travel around the world and the United States and give back and give opportunities, like I said earlier.

“These opportunities are really important.”

In response to the new law – which has been widely criticized by voting rights advocates, civil rights groups and private businesses across the state – Major League Baseball announced it would move the All-Star game. 2021 from Atlanta to Denver, Colorado.

Cameron Champ, one of golf’s brightest prospects and two-time Tour winner, says the new law is “shocking” and “frustrating”.

“As you can see, it really targets some black communities and makes it more difficult to vote, which for me is everyone’s right to vote,” he said. “For me to see that, it’s very shocking. Obviously with MLB and what they’ve been up to and moving the All-Star Game was a big statement. I know there’s a bunch of ‘other organizations and companies that have made a difference.

“Again, it’s a glamorous event, and I know there’s a lot going on with him and the people involved. But, again, yeah, it was really a little frustrating to see that. week, I will definitely support some activities throughout the week.

US Open champion Bryson DeChambeau added that diversity and inclusion are “extremely important” to golf.

“I think the most important thing we can do is treat everyone the same, and I think growing up my dad told me that no matter what, you are going to treat everyone. world as you want to be treated, “he said.

“From my perspective, what’s going on now, I think you’re looking at Augusta National and the PGA Tour and what we’re doing to build the community and grow the sport and grow the charities that we’re able to give back to. .

“I think this is one of the most important things that we have to look at and start looking at this tournament and this championship as a positive light for the community, a positive light for the world and an opportunity to show people the great entertainment that we can provide to the world. I think that’s one of the most important things. “

Dianne Gallagher and Paul LeBlanc contributed to this report.


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