The Max Muncy Shirt "Go Get It Out Of The Ocean" Is Here And She's Glorious – Dodgers Digest


Yesterday, Max Muncy broken what ended up being the winning circuit winner Madison Bumgarnerand the events that followed led to an amazing shirt being created. Muncy looked at the ball just a little before starting his run and of course Mr. Sensitive escaped him.

While MadBum was shouting at him for not looking at the ball, Muncy released a quote that quickly became viral, explaining that he had responded to Bumgarner in response to the basics "Go ahead."

This led to the creation of what is immediately my favorite shirt we made with BreakingT, which you should go buy now because it's great


It supports Dodgers Digest to start, but besides being a talent for this stuff, honestly, the shirts are quality and I wear them all the time. I have the feeling that this one in particular, I will probably wear it often, and you should do the same. go get one here.


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