The MCU once featured Uncle Ben … in 2008’s Iron Man


A Reddit theory may prove the existence of Ben Parker in the MCU and how it can appear in Spider-Man 3.

Much like Batman, the death of a parent is what helps define Spider-Man, and the two vigilantes have had their origin story told countless times across multiple media, making the redundancy of their story unnecessary. . For this reason, the Marvel Cinematic Universe introduced Spider-Man as he stepped into his crime-fighting career, glossing over his origin story and the death of Uncle Ben. While those upset fans who expected to still see Uncle Ben in a certain way, one theory from Reddit indicates that Uncle Ben may have already been introduced to the MCU.

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In Iron Man, when Tony Stark returns home from his kidnapping ordeal, he holds a press conference that ends with Tony denouncing all military contracts with Stark Industries. Before the announcement, Tony sits down with the press and answers questions. One of the journalists he uses is a reporter named Ben. While most members of the public don’t think twice, Easter egg hunt fanatics think it’s Ben Parker and works for The Daily Bugle.

This concept of retroactive continuity within Iron Man is not a first, as it has been revealed that Peter Parker himself was Iron man 2 like a kid. While the first two Spider-Man films made no mention of Ben Parker, other than an initial on a briefcase in Spider-Man: Far From Home, There’s hope the third Spider-Man movie will bring more to Uncle Ben, especially if he’s actually that reporter.

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As most comic book fans know, Peter Parker’s second job is to be a photographer for The Daily Bugle. Although the MCU’s Spider-Man didn’t have to fight for money thanks to financial and mechanical assistance from high school student Tony Stark, Peter without Tony might want to try and find a job. This is where journalist Ben Angle comes in. Peter might decide to embark on his uncle’s career as a reporter or employee of the Daily Bugle, potentially getting lucky as an inherited employee. However, there is a small plot hole with this theory.

The after-credits scene of Far from home Mysterio disclosed Spider-Man’s identity as Peter Parker to the Daily Bugle. Reddit’s theory comments section makes a note of a possible way around this assuming Peter would get legal aid from Matt Murdock, who would prove that Peter and Spider-Man are different people and could potentially negotiate a employment at Bugle for Peter to repair libel. It meets Peter’s precise job description and gives audiences more of JK Simmons’ return as J. Jonah Jameson, while potentially bringing back Daredevil from Charlie Cox.

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