The media are "obsessed" by Ocasio-Cortez, say media obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez


CThe servants are "obsessed" by the representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. At least, that's what the press tells me.

Slate asks, "Why is the right so obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?[?]"

The Huffington Post states under the headline: "Conservative men are obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Science tells us why. "

"Conservatives can not stop being obsessed with Ocasio-Cortez. Their last goal: his boyfriend, "reported the Washington Post on February 15.

They are not wrong to say that the right is maybe a little as well obsessed with the 29 year old Congressman. But that criticism comes from nowhere else than the media that have done so much to bring it to the surface.

Yes, journalists and experts are just as obsessed with the New York congressman. The only difference is that their obsession is in love – more of Beatlemania than ex-ex-angry boyfriend. I mean, do you mean people captivated by Ocasio-Cortez? Let's take a look at some titles published in the last month.

On February 6, after President Trump delivered his annual State of the Union Address, Insider actually titled the following headline: "People are obsessed with the Alexandria White Cloak". Ocasio-Cortez wore to the state of the Union. Here you can get an identical version. "

"Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the inspiration behind the next comic book," reads in the title published Feb. 27 by ABC News, which also devoted real-time antenna coverage to the book.

On February 26, NBC News added: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" faces the GOP "in a new comic." The subtitle of the story said, "Not all heroes wear cloaks. Some wear white suits.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will become a super hero in a new comic strip," CNN announced.

By the way, we had the same press speech. He found the circular file of my editor.

The Hill published on Feb. 21 an article entitled "A video showing that Ocasio-Cortez is lovingly attacked by a dog and becomes viral after" #NationalLoveYourPetDay ".

February 27 Rolling Stone magazine revealed Ocasio-Cortez would feature in an article titled "Women Shaping the Future: Nancy Pelosi and the New Voices of the House", alongside other women Democrats in Congress, including anti-Semitic representative Ilhan Omar, D -Minn. The media, who are absolutely not obsessed, then offered a fluffy and pro-Ocasio-Cortez coverage of the history of the soft and pro-Ocasio-Cortez coverage of Rolling Stone.

"Rolling Stone features Democratic women shaping the future" as cover stars, "reads an article in The Huffington Post.

Boing Boing added this particularly servile tribute: "AOC's Rolling Stone Interview: Portrait of a Shining, Astute and Clever Activist / Politician."

And then, there is my personal favorite, which comes from the devastating title of Reuters " Top news" Twitter account:

These are not stories of "news" by any effort of imagination. Not one of them. These are love letters written by starstruck fans who work for publications. The media is eager to inform the faithful of the latest and greatest scenes of "queen of slaughter" of the deadliest of queens. This type of story is endless. They will continue to pump these things one after the other.

There is no real difference in the amount Ocasio-Cortez draws the attention of the main newsrooms in the country and amount of attention, she receives right media. The only difference is the tone. Conservatives criticize the congressman, while the average newsroom could just as well queue for his autograph.

Yet it is the Conservatives who are accused of obsession. Ironically, this charge comes from the only corner of the world that can be described as being more passionate about Ocasio-Cortez than the right is.


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