The Mega Millions jackpot is $ 1 billion – but your odds of winning it all are 1 in 302.5 million


Now the jackpot is estimated to be worth a huge $ 1 billion. It’s just $ 500 million less than the highest Mega Millions jackpot ever – $ 1.537 billion, all won by one ticket holder in South Carolina.
But it’s also highly, very You are unlikely to win everything: The odds of hitting the jackpot are 1 in 1 in 302,575,350.

Sorry about that. You can always try your luck with the lotto. But you’re much more likely to …

Your chances of being struck by lightning are approximately 1 in 500,000, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s still a fairly unlikely event, but the Southeastern states are the most at risk – especially Florida, considered the “lightning capital of the United States” as more than 2,000 people have been struck there. by lightning over the past 50 years.

Being allergic to water

Only one in 230 million people have a water allergy, a condition called aquatic urticaria, according to the BBC. Rare allergic people develop hives when their skin comes in contact with water.

Become a saint

You have a 1 in 20 million chance to be canonized in the Catholic Church, according to Gregory Baer, ​​author of “Life: The Odds”. He told ABC News before his book came out in 2003 that you had a better chance of being named Pope.

Become a movie star

You may have the power of the stars to spare, but you also have a 1 in 1,190,000 chance to play on the big screen, according to “The Book of Odds” by Amram Shapiro. Hollywood is no joke.

Do it in the NBA under 6 feet tall

Oddly specific, of course, but if you’re less than six feet tall you have 1 in 1.2 million chance to become a professional basketball player, according to the New York Times. If you were 7 feet tall you would have a 1 in 7 shot – but growing that tall is also incredibly rare.

If you still try your luck with the lotto

The next Mega Millions draw will be Friday at 11 p.m. ET. If you win it all, your cash option is $ 739.6 million, which is definitely no reason to sneeze. But don’t feel too bad if you don’t score big – the odds weren’t in your favor anyway.


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