Shortly before the roll-call in question, Gonzalez reportedly filed a complaint for aggravated harassment against 50 Cent, citing the rapper's Instagram defense of one of his favorite clubs: Love & Lust at Sunset Park.
In May, Imran Jairam, owner of Love & Lust, accused Gonzalez of having retaliated against him after refusing Gonzalez 's alleged claims for free flights to Puerto Rico. In response to the so-called pressure, 50 Cent wrote "get the strap", which means firearm, in a comment. The 50 Cent camp described the remark as casual and "playful", just a phrase that he likes to use a lot. (He has already tried to mark it.) In his complaint, however, Gonzalez stated that it made him "bored, alarmed and … fearing for his safety".
Today, 50 years old are worried about the department 's inability to inform of the June 7 incident. On Twitter, he wrote that he is "looking at different cops" but that his 10.2 million followers should "Do not forget that there are good people who work in the police forces. Like the officers who reported this [Gonzalez] tells them. "
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