The monster king explains how they differentiate Ghidorah from other dragons


Do not mess with Ghidorah.
Image: legendary images

Previously, you had to walk miles in the snow to find a good dragon, but now? They are everywhere.

But rest assured, say director Michael Dougherty and production designer Scott Chambliss of Godzilla: the king of monsters. Our dragons are different.

"Ghidorah comes from another planet and is basically the heavyweight of the film," Chambliss told Entertainment Weekly. "One of the challenges was that we are currently inundated with dragons in our culture. So, Ghidorah may be the most crush of [the monsters in the film]. What Michael did was play on the very characteristics of man. He played on features we associate with human beings, but he applied them to monsters. Ghidorah, with its three heads, was the occasion to have three different aspects of a creature generally similar. "

In short: Ghidorah, a creature, is played by three different actors, via motion capture. As Dougherty explained, in the same EW article:

"It was important to me that each of Ghidorah's heads had a slightly different personality than the other. Imagine if you had three dogs, all of the same kind. I mean, it's subtle. Previously, I had three dogs and you somehow learn that they have very different ways of expressing themselves, even if they look alike. I liked the idea that each head has its own personality and peculiarities, the central head being the alpha of the three. It is he who is in a way the big brother and the most serious. And then, the other two are just a little different. A head is slightly more aggressive and tenacious. The other shows signs of curiosity. So, in many ways, they look like three triplets. You know, they have a lot in common, but they all have their own way of responding to a situation. Ghidorah is a singular person with three distinct personalities. Doing the mocap, the facial capture, seemed to make sense. And it was a ton of fun too. "

So how will Ghidorah be different? By the strength of their personality. Sorry, personalities. Eat your heart, Drogon.

Godzilla: the king of monsters arrives in theaters on May 31st.

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