The most important moment of the Houston debate has been totally neglected


And it was important! But that's what happened after the debate that could tell us more about the direction of the race and its future.

In an interview after the debate, CNN's Erin Burnett interviewed New Jersey Senator Cory Booker about Castro's success on Biden. And Booker responded as follows:

"I think we're at a critical point right now because a lot of people are concerned about Joe Biden 's ability to lead the ball to the end of the finish line without fumbling. And I think Castro has legitimate concerns about, can it be one of a long grueling campaign that can get the ball over the starting line. right to call him back. "

Which is, well, interestingly enough. Here's why.

Follow the trail of Democratic candidates raising questions about Biden's competence. It started a few weeks ago with the Ohio representative, Tim Ryan, a very long shot for the nomination (and that 's nice). "I just think Biden is in decline," Ryan told Bloomberg earlier this month. "I do not think he has energy, you see him almost every day, and I love this guy."

Then, 11 days later, Castro, more viable candidate but still on the sidelines of the race, took up the torch and won with this attack on Biden 's health plan during last Thursday' s debate:

"Do you forget what you said two minutes ago, do you already forget what you said just two minutes ago, I mean, I can not believe that you said it was two minutes ago that they had to buy and now you say you do not have to buy. You forget that. "

And then, immediately after the debate, Booker, an even more viable Democratic candidate, defended Castro and suggested that Biden may not be someone who could "carry the ball to the end, without grope. "

It is not difficult to see what is happening here. The attacks against Biden's acuity are a) accelerated quickly and b) raised by more and more viable candidates for the candidacy.

Follow this path and you get this: Soon, one of the main rivals of Biden's candidacy will raise – in a bunch of people who ask questions about this soft sell – if Biden is up to the rigors of this campaign and the prospect of taking President Donald Trump next fall.

Biden has so far managed to ward off attacks against his abilities under the pretext of not slaughtering. To answer Castro's questions about his competence would be to give the former mayor of San Antonio exactly what he wants. Biden therefore ignores it in general. Same as Ryan. And maybe even Booker.

Until now, Biden has mostly talked about issues relating to his age and health.

"I think it's entirely appropriate for people to look at my age," Biden told New Hampshire earlier this month. "Just like when I was 29 years old, was I old enough? And now, am I fit enough? I will disclose everything about my health. I am in great shape."
After the Houston debate, Biden answered a question about his health with a joke. "What health problems, man?" he told a reporter. "Do you want to fight?" (The Biden campaign confirmed that it would issue a full medical report before the Iowa caucuses, which are scheduled for February 3, 2020.)

It now seems to be questionable of when and not whether Biden's age and health become a central issue in the fight for the Democratic nomination. And my bet is as soon as possible.


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