The navigation based on the gestures of Android Q will work a lot like the iPhone


Google has introduced a major overhaul of the navigation system on Android with Android 9 Pie. The gesture-based navigation system has a lot of influence over that of the iPhone X, where there was only one home button that Apple used to introduce an amazingly effortless navigation system on the latest iPhones. It was perfect.

And of course, Google tried to replicate that, but the implementation of the company was just not as good, at least in my experience.

Google seems to be aware of this, and it is taking steps to improve the experience with Android Q. XDA developers have got their hands on a first version of Android Q, which includes an improved navigation system, and works much like it does on the latest iPhones. This time, the new navigation system seems to work much better than before.

First, Google removes the dedicated back button, which means that there is only one pill-shaped home button. Instead of the Back button, you can now quickly swipe to the left of the Home button to return to applications. It's a much better solution than having a dedicated return button.

But more importantly, Google improves the animation to switch between applications. Now, when you slide directly on the pill, it allows you to easily switch from one application to another and the transition for the entire experience seems so much better. It's almost identical to the implementation of Apple on iPhone, and to be honest, this exact transition made me love the new gesture navigation on iPhone. So it's nice to see Google do the same on Android.

Here is a demonstration and comparison of the improved navigation system:

Google will talk about Android Q in May to Google I / O 2019. The update should be important, introducing a new native system-wide dark mode and better privacy controls.

Marked with Android Q, iPhone, iPhone X


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