The new operator of Rainbow Six Siege is the guardian


Another Rainbow Six Siege The operator has been revealed, and this one is called "guardian". A former member of the US Marines who is currently serving in the secret service, Warden is the second operator to be revealed for the fourth year of season 2. The operator has a pair of glasses that he uses as part of his abilities that distinguish him from other characters, and even though we do not yet know all their possibilities, Ubisoft said that he would be able to see what other operators can not see.

Ubisoft recently revealed that Warden was the second operator of Operation Phantom Sight, the next series of content for this year's Season 2. Ubisoft told Collinn that "McKinley" had one day saved the Secretary of State safely during a hostile attack that led him to create the gadget he would use to outwit other operators.

"The events of this day gave him the idea of ​​the prototype of his gadget, the Glance Smart Glasses," said Ubisoft about the gadget of the operator. "They reflect the nature of his natural talent, to see what most can not do to gain the upper hand in a given situation. He would be just as talented without them, but with them he can not do anything. "

The goalkeeper will be a defender in Rainbow Six Siege, but its full load has not yet been revealed. We'll see it soon on May 19th, when the Pro League Finale will serve as an avenue in which all the details of Operation Phantom Sight will be revealed. A first look at the operator was revealed in the trailer of the character, but can be seen above.

Warden's revelation by Ubisoft makes him the second character announced in recent days, the first being Nøkk. From what we know of these two operators up to now, it seems that the previous leaks regarding the characters and their gadgets were accurate.


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