The new Samsung Galaxy Tab poses an incredible problem and without solution – BGR


For the most part, Samsung had managed to avoid any public relations involvement since the Galaxy Note 7 incident in 2016, but the electronics business now seems to face two consecutive disasters. Following last month's Galaxy Fold release date, some Galaxy Tab S5e owners are experiencing a bizarre design flaw that can accidentally block the tablet's Wi-Fi signal by simply holding it in the wrong direction.

Citing several reports on the Internet, SamMobile claims that holding the lower left corner of the Galaxy Tab S5e while the tablet is positioned horizontally (with the camera facing the front left) will block the receiver and slow down your connection to an analysis, or even disconnect you completely from the network .

"Confirmed," writes David Waner, owner of Galaxy Tab S5e, in an Instagram legend. "Second tablet S5e same problem. As soon as my hand covers this corner, the wifi stops. The tablet has a major design flaw. "

It seems that you have to grab that specific corner of the tablet to block the signal, but the fact that it is possible is really extraordinary. The tablets are designed to be held from different angles – horizontal and vertical – and yet, a misunderstanding of the Galaxy Tab S5e could kill your connection if you try to save a document, send an email or finish watch a movie. on Netflix.

SamMobile have tried to reproduce the problem on their own S5e tab and, although they have not been able to completely suppress the signal, they have noticed a noticeable decrease in speed when the tablet is held in this direction. Worse still, there is no silver bullet for the first users who bought the Galaxy Tab S5e shortly after its launch last week. No software update will solve a hardware problem, and a replacement will have the same problem.

Source of the image: Samsung


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