The next DLC fighter from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be revealed at the E3 Nintendo Direct – E3 2019



Sakurai and Bowser teased that more information on the next DLC fighter was in a few days.

By Tom Marks

During the Nintendo 2019 World Championship tournament, Nintendo confirmed today that the next DLC fighter from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate would be unveiled at its E3 Nintendo Direct on June 11th.

After the tournament, Smash Bros.'s game director, Masahiro Sakurai, told the audience in a pre-recorded message: "I will continue my work on the next DLC fighter and more information on this will be shared in Nintendo Direct for E3 2019 I hope so that you can not wait to be there.

While this is not an explicit confirmation of a revelation, Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser then went on to elaborate on Sakurai's statement stating, "I think many of you will want to connect next week to see what or who he could talk to. " affirming more directly that they mean that a revelation is a few days away.

With the release of Joker earlier this year, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate should still have four DLC characters. The rumors and alleged leaks are swirling all the time, the most common of them being Erdrick from Dragon Quest 11. We even built our own list of DLC Smash Bros. characters. that we would like to see.

You can watch the full message of Sakurai and Bowser here, and you can follow all our coverage of the E3 2019 here.

Tom Marks is the Associate Editor of Critics at IGN and the resident pie maker. You can follow him on Twitter.


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