The Nintendo VR upgrade for Zelda has all ruined


Photo: Andrew Liszewski (Gizmodo)

Although made from cardboard, the Nintendo Labo VR Kit is a surprisingly excellent upgrade to virtual reality for the switch, enhanced by an excellent list of games and virtual reality experiences. Nintendo has just extended its Labo VR Kit support to its A-List titles The legend of Zelda: the breath of nature and Super Mario OdysseyUnfortunately, in both games, virtual reality is an experience that only amplifies the weaknesses of Labo VR Kit.

That's the only way to play The legend of Zelda: the breath of nature and Super Mario Odyssey in VR.
Photo: Nintendo

To start, Nintendo was not kidding by publishing this Mario promotional image showing how to play games like Super Mario Odyssey with the protective glasses Labo VR Kit. Without any kind of headband, you are obliged to leave the Joy-Cons attached to each side of the switch and play with the whole in front of your face. Yes, it tires me after a while, and I discovered that my bigger hands and my fingers were unable to extend me; they constantly brushed the sides of the cardboard glasses.

Fortunately, Nintendo does not seem to require that the Joy-Cons be connected to the switch to play Zelda or Mario in VR. So, to improve the experience or at least to make the game a little more comfortable, you should definitely look for an upgrade of the headband for the cardboard glasses, such as the 14 dollar solution sold by Sweat Proof Gaming, then use the Joy-Cons as a detached controller.

But a headband will do nothing to improve the graphics of both games in VR mode. The switch screen is already limited to a barely 1280 x 720 pixel HD resolution. Breath of nature achieves a beautiful appearance when you play on the console in portable mode. Thanks to the Labo VR Kit protective glasses, the resolution is more than halved to create the stereo images necessary for the smooth operation of the 3D depth effect. There is no other way of saying it, Breath of nature In VR, the air is ugly and dated. Although Nintendo has removed the screen clutter to enhance the experience, this also makes the Link health indicator in the upper left corner of the screen almost invisible.

I thought that finally being able to explore Hyrule in 3D would be my consolation prize for graphic degradation, but the third person Breath of nature uses ends up being dizzying and a little nauseating in VR. You can still move the camera when you follow Link, which is important for the gameplay, but it ends up amplifying the disconnect between what your eyes see and the movements of your head and body that your brain undergoes. Games and Lab Labs VR Kit take a first-person approach, but it's not an option. Breath of natureand it meant it only took a few minutes for me to get sick in the stomach. Sorry, Hyrule, you're all alone.

Super Mario Odyssey takes a different and slightly improved approach to virtual reality compared to Breath of nature. Instead of following Mario wherever he goes, Labo VR Kit goggles only work with special levels that block the view of the player in the middle of an isolated island. You control Mario almost as you would with a radio-controlled car, sending it off until it becomes a tiny dot, or bringing it closer to you. Sometimes not being able to move the camera complicates the task of meeting that challenge in this special RV level, even though it was specifically designed to adapt to the VR perspective.

Like with Breath of nature, Super Mario Odyssey takes a graphic shot because the switch's screen is cut in half to produce stereo images, but it does not look ugly in VR. I will give credit to Nintendo for doing the totality of Breath of nature playable in VR. Upon entering, I knew the different approaches that each game took, and I thought I would be disappointed with Super Mario Odyssey's limited support for VR. But after playing both games, I think Super Mario Odyssey is your best bet. However, I would not say that the first incursion of one or the other franchise in virtual reality is a success. Now excuse me while I find saline.


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