The NRA advertising agency said the gun group CEO was billing $ 240 K in travel expenses


National Rifle Association (NRA) general manager Wayne LaPierre charged the group's advertising agency nearly a quarter of a million dollars in travel-related expenses in Italy, Hungary, in the Bahamas and in other destinations, the agency told NRA officials in a letter.

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Ackerman McQueen executives had written a letter to the NRA's board detailing the $ 240,000 expenses LaPierre had billed at the agency for several years and for which he would have provided insufficient documentation.

NRA officials reportedly reimbursed Ackerman McQueen for the expenses incurred, according to the Review, although this letter is a disagreement between the two organizations, which, according to many sources, resulted from LaPierre's excessive spending habits on trips and the like. purposes. NRA is currently suing the law enforcement agency, claiming that Ackerman McQueen has refused to provide sufficient explanation regarding billing.

The letter, dated April 22, according to the Journal, raised new questions within the gun rights group about whether LaPierre improperly benefited from various NRA partner agencies.

The "vast majority of the trips involved a donor information campaign, fundraising and stakeholder engagement," a lawyer representing the ANR told the Review. "The committee is aware of the allegations and has reviewed them."

A spokeswoman for the ANR did not immediately return a request for comment from The Hill regarding the letter. The reports on LaPierre's travel expenses are published a few days after the president of the group, Oliver NorthOliver Laurence NorthWayne LaPierre is reelected to the NRA after the leadership crisis The New York Attorney General's office opposes Trump: we wish he "shares our respect for the law" Trump: the besieged NRA "by the New York Democrats MORE, was ousted from the group as a result of a dispute with LaPierre for similar spending issues.


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