The old Bungie Dev makes a fighting game "Destiny", turns out to be really cool


The developers just want to have fun and that is exactly what they did at this year's Bungie Carnival event, an annual celebration that brings together the development team and allows them to post their most idiotic ideas and give free rein to their creativity. In this case, the "joke game" was a combat spin-off Destiny, but now that we see it … we want it instead.

Destiny of Fighters: Super Turbo was made technically last year by a group of Bungie developers, and now the former team member, David Candland, is sharing the fruits of this work. He also mentioned that he only had a few days to work on the "game" and its user interface, which makes it even more impressive.


"Once a year, Bungie has a tradition called Carnival, where all employees stop their planned work for a week and form teams in an organic way with people from all over the studio to create something that interests them," revealed Lung. Former developer of Bungie in a new blog. to post. "In January 2018, I teamed up with a group of 8 talented people who wanted to see if we could create a functional but graceful and surprisingly retro fighting game in the Destiny engine. but considering that we built something like this in 4 days and that we showed it on the 5th, it's remarkable.It was also great.I've designed , illustrated, built and animated all the elements of the user interface and the HUD that you see here. "

The video that accompanied the revelation is not embeddable, but you can see it in action here.

fight 2

As seen in the above images, the main showcase was between Ikora Rey and Lord Shaxx with a degraded graphic style (remember, there are only 4 days left) and basic movement sets. The two characters also look different from their counterparts in the main game, again due to time constraints and the fact that it is not a game available at the exit.

What do you think Destiny of Fighters: Super Turbo? Nifty idea that you would like to see more? Maybe as a little Easter egg mini-game? Express your thoughts in the comment section below or explain me on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!

Thank you, Rant Game!


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