The OnePlus 7 Pro will have three cameras at the back


The OnePlus 7 Pro will have three rear cameras, according to a recent tweet from the company. "Bells and whistles make noise," OnePlus said in the tweet. "We make phones." The camera has hashtag # OnePlus7Pro, so the three-camera configuration could be limited to the next higher-end OnePlus model, which will also include an upgraded display with a refresh rate assumed at 90Hz. The outline of the OnePlus tweet corresponds to the OnePlus 7 Pro images. So even though we felt it was happening, direct confirmation is always good.

The launch of OnePlus 7 Pro is scheduled for May 14, and several events are expected to start simultaneously around the world.

As for the cameras, it is hoped that OnePlus will opt for the standard / telephoto / ultra-wide trio, which is becoming more and more common this year. But it is possible that one of these cameras is a depth sensor (as has already done OnePlus), which would be regrettable. I always thought it was a waste of computer equipment; are portrait portraits on an Android phone with depth sensor really better than those without?

OnePlus should definitely adopt a new approach to the camera after using essentially the same material in the OnePlus 6 and 6T of last year. The company has developed software and processing improvements with the latter, but there are still several steps behind the best cameras on the market today, although OnePlus seems to believe they rely on "bells and whistles" . With the OnePlus 7 and 7 Pro should still rise in price (especially if you opt for the 5G variant), it is really time to start catching you. At the very least, the auto-pop-up camera will remain relatively new to US buyers. Hopefully the back fencers will not be disappointed.


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