The opponents of Trump write together blasting states that canceled the primaries


President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden campaign: Castro "cheats the facts": McCabe's lawyer asks a US attorney if the grand jury has decided not to accuse The Hill's 12:30 Report: Views and sounds of Houston debate MOREThe three main challengers wrote a joint editorial that canceled their presidential primaries.

Former Representatives Mark SanfordMarshall (Mark) Clement SanfordThe Morning & # 39; s Morning Report – The Third Debate is Unanimous. The US deficit remains unchanged: the US deficit exceeded $ 1 trillion in 11 months. (R-S.C.) And Joe WalshJoe WalshThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The Third Debate Unanimously at the Top of the Debate: Sanders tops the Democratic Party in NH Business Insider to Host Debate on the GOP with Trump's Challengers MORE (R-Ill.) And former governor William WeldWilliam (Bill) WeldPoll: Sanders dominates the debate on the Democratic Party within NH Business Insider to hold the debate on the GOP with Trump Warren's challengers, Sanders denounces Bolton's mandate in the middle of the White House exit MORE (R-Mass.) The Washington Post wrote Friday that the efforts of a series of states to end their appointments were "an effort to eliminate any threat to the president's political power in 2020".

"What does that say about the Republican Party? If a party represents only reelection, it does not represent anything. Our next candidate must be competitive in the market of ideas, values ​​and leadership. Each of us believes that we can better lead the party. The same is true of the holder. Let's each take our case to the public, "they said.

"The cowards are fleeing the fighting. The warriors are fighting for what they believe. The United States respects the warriors. Only the weak competition fears. "

The three Republicans have noted the violence carried out by 20 Democrats, claiming that the elimination of the GOP primaries would produce a system that looks like China or Russia rather than America.

"It would be a big mistake to let the Democratic Party dominate the national conversation during the primary and caucus season," they wrote. "Let's spend the next six months trying to attract new voters to our party instead of demanding allegiance to a predetermined choice."

Until now, the primaries have been canceled in South Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Kansas. The Trump campaign reportedly collaborated with several Republican states parties to mitigate the appeal of key challengers and help install pro-Trump leaders into political party roles.

The presidents-in-office parties have canceled the primaries in the past. The Democratic Party of Arizona did not hold a primary in 2012 and 1996, when former Presidents Obama and Clinton, respectively, ran for re-election.

The three challengers have again criticized the decisions, writing that the primaries are "the only possibility" for Republicans to decide who should lead the party and that the government should "let those voices be heard".


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