The Oscars should ease the in-person requirement for nominees (exclusive)


The Academy had been criticized for being required to attend in person, as outbreaks of COVID in Europe and other parts of the world have prompted new health concerns and travel restrictions.

In response to widespread backlash over the requirement that 93rd Oscar nominees attend the ceremony in person or not at all, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences plans to offer new accommodations to nominees.

Over the past few weeks, many nominees based outside the United States have been apoplectic about missing Oscar night altogether as the surge of COVID in Europe and other parts of the world has sparked new issues of health and travel restrictions. In some places travel must now be “essential for business” to obtain a travel visa, and in other places the visa offices themselves have closed.

Additionally, nominees and distributors of their films have expressed concerns about quarantine requirements on both sides of the trip, which would place significant financial burdens on either side.

The Academy has apparently heard these concerns, as all nominees were directly contacted and invited to participate in a “Zoom conversation with the show’s producers” on Tuesday morning. Steven soderbergh, Stacey Sher and Jesse collins, during which they will receive “updates on the show”, including options to participate remotely, Hollywood journalist has learned.


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