The Overwatch Anniversary event will begin May 21 with a free trial


By Stephany Nunneley,
Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 20:12 GMT

The third annual Overwatch Anniversary event will begin next week and, with new items, past artifacts will be returned to seasonal fights.

The anniversary event of Overwatch will begin on May 21st and will end on June 10th. As of the day of the kickoff, Overwatch will also be playable for free until May 28th. All players, even at the trial, can participate in the anniversary celebrations.

You can start downloading the free trial of Overwatch on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in advance as of today, May 18th.

In addition to skins and other cosmetics, six new Legendary and three Epic skins will be available. Here is a feedback on 2017 and 2018.

New dance emotes will also be available for Ashe, Baptiste and Wrecking Ball.

All details are below.

2019 Overwatch Anniversary Event

New articles

  • The anniversary event will include 6 new legendary skins and 3 epic skins
  • New dance emotes have been added for Baptiste, Ashe and Wrecking Ball

Back to favorites

  • The anniversary event will bring back the previous seasonal cosmetics, including your favorite dance emotes from all previous years.
  • The past seasonal fights return to the Arcade and will be the subject of a daily rotation, including those found in the Archives Overwatch – Storm Rising

Boxes with loot

  • Players who connect to the anniversary event will receive a bonus, a legendary birthday loot box, which will guarantee a legendary item.
  • Players who buy the pack of 50 chests will receive a bonus, the treasure chest of the legendary birthday.
  • All loot from the previous seasonal event will be included in the loot boxes for the duration of the event

Free try

  • Overwatch and the anniversary event will be playable during the free trial event, which from May 21-28.
  • Preloading starts today on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Once more information is available, we will provide you with an update.

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