The Overwatch queue has started well


The queue of roles has changed the way we play Overwatch, from casual players to Overwatch League professionals. The new system requires teams to consist of two tanks, two damage characters and two supports. We can say goodbye to compositions such as GOATS and hello to more varied choices of damage.

Advocates of the queue of roles have long argued that this would help balance the meta and solve many of the toxicity issues that arise. Overwatch argues that this would curb creativity and limit the way we play. Now that 2-2-2 is in the wild, we can see some of the immediate impact.

Until now, the system seems to work well both on the scene of the Overwatch League and on players lining up at home.

Shake the queue

For casual players, the queue of roles has eliminated the stress of the game. Overwatch. Gone are the days when an inclined main chariot was trading randomly towards Torbjörn. A player who enters a hall and locks a damage character no longer watches with horror the rest of the team also choosing damage characters.

Players no longer have to worry about players attempting to shoot GOATS like pros or quad-DPS compositions that end in a chaotic fight. Players now know that each match will have a balanced team and they will be able to strategize alongside their teammates based on the map and goals.

The queue of roles also allows Blizzard to more easily balance the meta, which can help undo the dominance of several months of characters such as Brigitte, who ushered in the era of GOATS . Now, the characters have a special context and Brigitte went from a healer / tank to a flexible healer. Sigma is a character designed for a 2-2-2 world; Blizzard now has the freedom to create characters that he knows will fit into an established meta instead of breaking it completely.

Overwatch - two teams meet at a landmark on the Eichenwalde map. A team has Baptiste, Pharah and Zarya preparing to shoot through an ultimate Baptist. The other team has Reinhardt and Junkrat approaching.

Blizzard Entertainment

Solve the problems of professional players

The main argument against this system is that the highest levels of Overwatch no longer allow creativity in composition. When players could trade at any time, a last minute Doomfist could turn the tide because of the sudden, explosive and unexpected power.

But ultimately, this freedom has led to a meta-game in which players have largely seen six heroes form the core of the composition of each professional team. The 2-2-2 compositions began to reappear just before Blizzard introduced a queue of roles. The teams were ready – and we have already seen creative team compositions. The seven supporting heroes saw Zenyatta, Lucio and Brigitte play as opposed to Zenyatta. The game is open to characters such as Reinhardt, Winston and Wrecking Ball, and the Vancouver Titans have launched an Orisa / Zarya combo against the Philadelphia Fusion with surprising success.

Sombra is no longer the only representative of the damage characters on the scene of the Overwatch league. We saw Mei, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Doomfist, Pharah and Reaper in the spotlight. Pharah and Doomfist both participated in the Titans and Chengdu Hunters games, and the Los Angeles Gladiators even brought Genji.

The queue of roles is a huge upheaval to Overwatchand we will probably see growing pain in the future as players adjust and fix the game. In the end, this seems to have made the game better. Home players have fewer stressful variables to manage and professionals have the opportunity to make their choice and play flashy games again.

The fourth stage and the playoffs of the Overwatch League will be played completely differently. Meanwhile, at home, lining up solo should be less of a dice roll of the lobby.


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