The owner blew up a house on his daughter's wedding day


EDGEWOOD, Pennsylvania (AP) – An owner near Pittsburgh blew up his house on his daughter's wedding day, police said shortly after his body was found in the rubble on Saturday night.

The man had been seen standing in front of his house in Edgewood shortly before his explosion and fire, authorities said, but he was not found for several hours. His death was deemed a suicide.

Authorities are still investigating the cause of the blast, but "it looks like he's unplugged the gas line in the basement of the house," said Police Chief Robert Payne. "And of course, it would not take a lot of spark to blow up the house."

Most of the family members were away at the time of the marriage, officials said.

Police said they had already gone home for domestic problems related to mental illness.

A nearby house damaged by the fire was recently sold and officials said a family plan to move soon.


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