The Pentagon closes the book on the ambushes of 2017 that killed four people in Niger


No further disciplinary action will be taken following two ambushes in 2017 in which four US Special Forces soldiers were killed in Niger, defense officials said Wednesday, approving rewards for the value of staff members. attack.

Several military officials have already been reprimanded following ambushes on 4 October 2017 in Tongo Tongo Village, Niger. In addition to the four Americans, four Nigerian staff members were killed while they were looking for an activist linked to the Islamic State, US officials said.

A Defense Department investigation initially revealed organizational failures and a lack of sufficient training in the US-Niger team ambushes, which occurred one hour from each other under gunfire. light and machine guns.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan ordered a re-examination of the incident after taking office in January. Previous reviews had largely left the senior officers in the chain of command unscathed.

Shanahan said Wednesday in a statement that he had concluded that no other punishment was necessary.

Read the latest Department of Defense report on the Niger attack

Owen West, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Level Conflict, said, "After two investigations and three revisions, the department is absolutely confident that responsibility has been rendered in this case."


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