The photo shows the stalemate between the bald eagle and the squirrel


An animal photographer from Lincoln, Maine, who spends his life surrounded by animals was amazed by two creatures doing something that he had never seen before. It was a bald eagle perched on a tree that stood out with a squirrel.

Roger Stevens Jr. told CBS News that he was a professional photographer for 21 years and that he always took his camera with him. On the morning of March 11, he was very grateful to have this camera. At the top of a tree, he saw a squirrel defending his babies against an eagle. Squirrels in the area usually give birth to this time every year, Stevens said. He has already seen many squirrels and many eagles, but never interacts in this way.

Stevens is writing a book about eagles, so he felt lucky to have spotted one. He began to whistle in front of the stall of animals at the top of the tree. The squirrel continued to sneak into the hollow openings of the tree, almost causing the eagle. "They went out about 10 minutes and finally, the eagle got fed up with this game and flew away," said Stevens. "So the perseverance of the squirrel has borne fruit."

He did not know how much the photos had been published before going home. "I put them on the computer and I told myself:" Oh my God, it's amazing! "But I never thought they'd get the attention they receive, "said Stevens.

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The photos of Roger Stevens Jr. have become viral online and have received more than 11,000 shares.

Roger Stevens Jr.

The photographer posted several stalemate photos on Facebook. "I could not have invented that! The Gray Squirrel and Bald Eagle in a game that looks at them," he writes in a caption. He hardly knew that his two subjects would gain notoriety on the Internet. A photo of the confrontation between squirrel and bald eagle was shared more than 11,000 times.

The amazing photos have been taken by many media across the country.

"Whether you're an artist or something else, just one photo could define who you are," the photographer said of his new viral glory. He thinks the photos would have become even more viral if he had explained the whole story on Facebook. "It's a behavior you do not see," he says. "It's a bit of a David and Goliath."

"It's as if the little guy was getting the big guy," he says, "when they knew the whole story, that is, the squirrel." defended his den, it would have been even more impressive. "

Stevens does not only photograph wildlife, he often visits local schools to inform his children of his discoveries. "They always ask which animal is the most dangerous," he said. "I always say," Well, it's a mom with her baby. "


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