The plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer also included a plan to burn down the Capitol


  • A court brief filed by the Michigan attorney general’s office seen by the Detroit Free Press revealed that the men accused of conspiring to kidnap Governor Whitmer also planned to burn down the state Capitol.
  • The case was filed in Jackson County 12th District Court ahead of a hearing for Pete Musico, who is among more than a dozen people indicted in the case.
  • Burning down the Capitol was a “secondary” plan, according to the brief, and “Plan A” instead consisted of storming the building to “take hostages, execute tyrants and have it televised.”
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Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s alleged kidnapping plot originally included a plan to burn down the state Capitol building as well, according to a brief filed by the Michigan attorney general’s office.

The brief, seen by the Detroit Free Press, details a number of plans the so-called Wolverine Watchmen had regarding the assault on the building, in which they would hold hostages or set the building on fire.

The case was filed in Jackson County 12th District Court ahead of a hearing for Pete Musico, who was indicted in the state-level Whitmer kidnapping plot.

“Plan A was to recruit 200 men and then storm the Capitol building in Lansing while Congress was in session,” said the brief, seen by the Detroit Free Press. “They were to take hostages, execute tyrants and put them on TV. It would take about a week and no one would come out alive.”

“The secondary plan was to storm the Capitol building in Lansing when Congress was in session,” the brief added. “They would then lock the entrances / exits to the structure. They would then set the building on fire.”

Six defendants have been charged federally with conspiracy to kidnap in connection with the Whitmer plot, while eight others, including Musico, have been charged at state level.

It was revealed last week that three of the indicted men – Adam Fox, Ty Garbin and Daniel Harris – were regulars in the anti-lockdown protests, and the Washington Post reported that footage suggested they had some affiliation with the self. – saying boogaloo movement. .

The men have pleaded not guilty or have yet to plead.


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