The Pokémon Sleep Pokémon from the Pokémon Company is still missing the action


Sleeping snorlax

Picture: The Pokémon Company

Back in 2019, Internet was very excited by the announcement mobile game / sleep monitor Sleeping Pokémon. But despite a 2020 release date, not a single word had been heard about it since, leaving many to assume that it had been dropped. Then yesterday someone noticed his brand has been updated, giving rise to hope that it could appear in today’s Pokémon Direct. He does not have.

At a press conference in 2019 (remember?), The Pokémon Company announced the existence of the Pokémon storage app Home Pokémon, the first news of the release of Switch Pokemon Sword and Protect, and the complete peculiarity of Sleep Pokémon. While the first two have, of course, since been released, there hasn’t been a glance at the sleeping app.

It was supposed to be done by Select Button, the developers behind Magikarp Leap, and was extraordinarily intended to be an app that monitored your sleep, somehow linking that data to Pokémon Go. The idea was that it notes what time you fall asleep and what time you wake up and react to it. Which sounds really scary and suitably bonkers.

It was planned to collect this data using the hilariously named Pokémon Go Plus +, an accessory that has yet to appear that would feed dormant information through its accelerometer. Why? Why? We still don’t know, but I particularly like Wikipedia’s ambiguous sentence, “Game related to sleep”.

It was part of what felt like a deliberate attempt to adapt all manner of daily routine activities to Pokémon-related games. PoGo obviously focuses on walking, while the 2020s Pokémon Smile tried to make tooth brushing a fun experience.

We didn’t know much more about Sleeping Pokémon, aside from that missed 2020 release window, and The Pokémon Company has been silent about it ever since. It was only yesterday that most people thought about the project when Pokémon rumored Twitter account “eclipse_tt»Noticed that his trademark filing had been updated at the end of June of this year.

With this recent activity and a Pokémon Presents on the verge of happening, those looking to turn sleep time into Poké time have regained hope. And yet, nada.

Pokémon Company! What happened to Sleeping Pokémon? You can tell us, we will understand. Are accelerometers a really weird way of measuring sleep when a lot of sleep recognition apps already exist anyway? Heck, you’re already using fitness apps to log in Pokémon Go. Should this be a third app in the chain? We do not know !

It would be nice if there was at least some recognition that the project is still in development, beyond the obscure ranking data sought by the most dedicated. Because right now we are all losing a third of our life, without being able to play with it at all.


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