The privilege of being Beto


Jean Davis, Washington State:

I am horrified to see that the Dems, more moderate and older, wanted to reprimand Ms. Omar. Her remarks were perhaps ill-advised, but why should she be distinguished while the remarks made by other personalities are much uglier and yet left aside?

People of different generations have been brought up with completely different views of Israel – my generation, the baby boomers, have learned to venerate the new strong state of Israel, while the elderly of 20 at 30 now see the damage done by Palestinians to Israel. Ms. Omar is from this generation and also an immigrant and we need to give her a bit of leeway. First and foremost, his rights to the first amendment must NOT be trampled on by Democrats!

Malcolm Burnstein, California:

Here is an 85-year-old Jew who strongly supports Ms. Omar and agrees with her that Israeli and Aipac policies are racist and anti-Arab. If Aipac were not so heavy, Congress would judge its policy on the merits and it would weigh little; Similarly, Israel's discriminatory policies towards its Arab citizens and neighbors deserve to be criticized and not accepted. At my age, I witnessed the Nazi murder policy towards the Jews and had hoped that the Jewish state would know, like no one else, how much these policies were. bad and confused. Alas, the Jewish state seems to have learned little from the recent past.

Many others felt that Omar's statements were clearly anti-Semitic and that the reaction of the Democrats was not strong enough.

Rachel Reiss, New York:

Adopting a resolution condemning "all hatred" in response to a specific case of acute anti-Semitism, particularly at the heart of an undeniable and worrying resurgence of anti-Semitic attacks, both globally and nationally, comes down to to say that "all lives matter" in response to police violence against black men; he says exactly the opposite of what he claims to say.

David Friedland, Nevada:

As a longtime democrat, I was upset by the old, obviously anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic duck of Ilhan Omar about the loyalty of the Jews to another country. And I am also upset that my party collapsed in front of an increasingly tyrannical minority and failed to pass a specific resolution to a specific comment.

Does Congressman Omar not know Goebbels and his use of propaganda such as "insidious international Jewish financiers" or the danger of "Jewish penetration of law, medicine, property and the arts"? Did she not study the history and power of speech on a national platform?

No fanaticism should ever be tolerated. Nor should we hesitate to unequivocally condemn an ​​explosion of fanaticism such as that displayed by Congressman Omar.

And then there were those whose concerns were not the content of Ms. Omar's statements, but the political repercussions they might have had.

Dave Stoller, Arizona:

I applaud the enthusiasm of the "beginners" of the Congress. However, I tell each of them to be guided by this reality: you do not know everything, you can not do everything, especially all at once. You are the new children of the neighborhood. Each of you must learn to be an effective legislator, to communicate, to work with other legislators, even with those with whom you often disagree. Succeeding in Congress can require a compromise even with those you do not like.

Arnie Serota, Hawaii:

Democrats must take control and stop fighting over divisive issues. The number one theme, for the moment, should be the defeat of Donald Trump and the far right.

If you want to share your impressions, send us an email: [email protected].


With a tough election for Benjamin Netanyahu, the Times draws on the mutually beneficial "feedback loop" between him and President Trump.

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Last week, President Trump called Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, "Tim Apple." It sounded like a slight blunder, the Internet laughed for a moment, then everyone passed. Well, apparently not everyone.


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