The promised modules of RED Hydrogen One have disappeared from its website


One of the most important things that could have redeemed the RED Hydrogen One was the promise of additional modules that would attach to the back and offer a wider experience of phone use. The modules had originally been promised for later release in 2019, but the company seems to have quietly updated its website to remove any mention of the modules (as reported by the user Reddit u / ReipasTietokonePoju) .

RED did not formally confirm that it was actually canceling the Hydrogen One modules. (We have RED's founder, Jim Jannard (or any other RED employee) also made no comments in the H4VUser Hydrogen One forum regarding the endangered designs, despite the threads from the owners of the phones. looking for an official update.

It may be a simple update of the website and the section is being updated or restored soon. However, if this is an intentional gesture from RED, it is certainly not a positive sign for the already disparaged phone that the company is no longer advertising for one of its most expected on the site.

The original (and currently deleted) section of the site promised modules that would attach to the pogo pins located at the back, providing additional battery life, more storage space and, most importantly, a RED-made camera sensor equipped with one allowed users to attach real goals. Jannard made big promises about connecting this camera to the exit, too, saying The edge, "If you shoot an 8K weapon on the board as camera A, it could certainly be your B camera, no question."


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