The proposal to build a permanent fence around the Capitol meets resistance


Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman proposed a permanent fence in a statement provided to reporters on Thursday, but DC Mayor Muriel Bowser was quick to criticize the idea and said the city would not accept additional troops or fences permanent as a long-term item in Washington.

The permanent fencing proposal comes weeks after a pro-Trump mob attacked the Capitol, killing 5 people and causing extensive property damage.

“In light of recent events, I can unequivocally say that vast improvements in physical security infrastructure need to be made to include permanent fencing and the availability of ready relief forces close to Capitol Hill,” Pittman said.

She continued, “I look forward to working with Congress to identify the security enhancements needed to keep Congress and the US Capitol safe and secure.”

Bowser acknowledged the need for additional security for upcoming events, but made it clear that she doesn’t want these improved measures to be permanent.

“Based on conversations with federal partners, there are potentially volatile events ahead that will require additional security. Fences and troop presence will be part of that,” Bowser tweeted. “But we won’t accept additional troops or permanent fences as a long-term item in Washington. When the time comes, the fences around the White House and the US Capitol, just like the plywood we’ve seen for too long on our companies, will be deleted. “

Democratic Representative Jake Auchincloss, a freshman from Massachusetts, tweeted that it would be a “mistake to turn the home of our democracy into a fortress. The Capitol must be safely open to voters, the press and visitors.” .

Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, also spoke out against the idea on Twitter. “This is the People’s House. I categorically oppose. There was no briefing on threats to members of Congress to justify this proposal,” she tweeted.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – who told reporters earlier Thursday that “the enemy is in the House of Representatives” – did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment on fencing.

The California Democrat met with retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who is conducting a security review of the Capitol, on Thursday, but provided few details.

“I was pleased to be briefed on the General’s initial assessment which covered operational readiness, interagency cooperation, security infrastructure, and corporate morale and readiness. . As we consider the need for an emergency supplemental funding bill to address institutional security needs, I wish to thank the General for considering what is needed for the Capitol Police to do their job ” Pelosi said in a statement Thursday afternoon.


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