The rear seats of Uber and Lyft have 35,000 times more germs than the average toilet seat & # 39;


The rear seats of the Uber and Lyft cars "have 35,000 times more germs than the average toilet seat and 219 times more than the average taxi"

  • Netquote Insurance Company Investigates Nine Cars
  • The surfaces were cleaned for the number of colony-forming units
  • Window knobs and seat belts would contain the most germs in a carpool
  • Among the germs found, there was the bacillus, which can cause infections and food poisoning, and the cocci that is related to skin infections.

According to a new study, the rear seats of Uber and Lyft cars have 35,000 times more germs than average toilet seats and 219 times more than average taxis.

Research shows that bacteria in carpool vehicles are also three times higher than average toothbrush holders.

The study, conducted by the insurance company Netquote, involved a total of nine cars – three carpool vehicles, three taxis and three rental cars.

The surfaces were rubbed to determine the number of colony forming units (CFU) per square inch, followed by a breakup of the germ type.

More than six million colony forming units per square inch were found on average in the walks. Rental cars have averaged more than two million CFU / m². , while taxis averaged just over 27,000 CFU / m².

Of the nine vehicles tested, rides like Uber gave the highest bacteria levels

Of the nine vehicles tested, rides like Uber gave the highest bacteria levels

In walks like Lyft, there were more than six million units forming colonies per square inch

In walks like Lyft, there were more than six million units forming colonies per square inch

Window knobs and seat belts would contain the most germs in carpool cars.

The study does not explain why carpool cars may contain more bacteria than the average taxi.

Among the germs found, there was the bacillus, which can cause infections and food poisoning, and the cocci that is linked to skin infections, pneumonia and intoxication by the blood.

A Netquote spokesman said: "You will probably find yourself in a carpool, a taxi or a rental car at some point, whether you are traveling or in the evening.

& # 39; But as comfortable as they are, you're far from the only person to roll in the windows, buckle up the seatbelt and grab the door handles and steering wheels of these vehicles.

"Our samples have revealed the presence of different types of germs, some of which are potentially harmful.

"In our carpool vehicles, the window buttons were the worst for germs. On average, we found more than 5 million UFC / sq. in. on the tiny buttons.

"The safety belts also contained high levels of bacteria: more than one million CFU / m². It is interesting to note that the door handles were the cleanest surface, with 1,810 UFC / m². & # 39; has contacted Lyft and Uber for comments.



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