The sad meaning behind the Game of Thrones Coffee Cup Meme


Here is Ser Latte from Starbucks House, first of his name, guest at the table of Queen Daenerys Stormborn of Targaryen House, hero of the worst Game of thrones episode so far, "The last of the Starks". We will never see his resemblance again, because HBO has already put it into oblivion. But do not worry; unlike his brother, Ser Pounce, also missing, his time on the screen is not over. This is just beginning.

People have roasted Game of thrones all week after a very anachronistic white disposable coffee cup appeared in the Sunday episode. Viewers noticed the blunder almost immediately, broadcasting blurry screen shots of the ship involved on the web. Tweeters have imagined how The Thrones the names of the characters would be misspelled by the baristas ("Latte for … Denise?"), and what would the cup look like if you were beating Daenerys whole title above. There was Lord of Light (roasted coffee) jokes and Flat Wight jokes.

Monday, HBO admitted his mistake, although confused about the content of the cup: "News from Winterfell", tweeted the network on the Internet. Game of thrones Account. "The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake, Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea." (A word of advice: given the unevenness of this season, it's not the time to joke about poor planning.) This remark attracted company sass from Starbucks himself, who felt that Dany would have ordered a Dragon drink, a seemingly real product, which she describes as "a combination of sweet mango and dragon fruit flavors".

It did not matter that Game of thrones& # 39; The art director revealed that the mug did not come at all from Starbucks – it was a generic cup for craft services – the presence of the coffee chain in Westeros was now anything but canon. Tuesday, the cup had already been cleaned in Westeros, but not online. Some, perhaps in retaliation for the virtual disappearance of Ser Latte, have started editing the cup in other classic stories, as Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hopeor just directly on the iron throne. The same is not likely to disappear any time soon.

Emma Gray Ellis covers the same, trolls and other elements of the Internet culture for WIRED.

People have always been obsessed with bloopers and movie mistakes. Finding them is like looking behind the curtain and seeing Oz. But reactions to latte Westerosi vacillate between schadenfreude and real, if in a good mood, irritation. Many reactions to the sneering goof at Game of thrones for missing the cup despite two years to end the season and a budget of $ 15 million per episode. Worse still, the spectators have a cameo in the scene with the cup in question and no one has noticed it, which some spectators consider as the ultimate sign of negligence. For some, finding the cup is not about detecting an error, but finding proof that the attention to detail has been lacking this season.

With hasty and hesitant episodes like "The Last of the Starks", who treated his beloved characters as chess pieces rather than people, it seems likely that this mistake – and the same problem – could be l? one of the most memorable moments of the last season. Even though they are still laughing, it's sad for The Thrones Fans. The cup has become a symbol of how sloppy Game of thrones became. The show has been commodified; it's fast food, not the French press. It serves four sugar pumps, natural flavors and potassium sorbate and waits for your tongue to taste the pumpkin. In the end, the only winner is Starbucks: they got about $ 2.3 billion in free advertising, and the cup is not even theirs.

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