The sale of the blood-stained backpack DLC "Iga's Back Pack" caused concern


505 Games announced Bloody: Ritual of the NightThe post-launch downloadable content plans, which include a lot of free content and a $ 9.99 pack, allow players to tackle Koji Igarashi himself and unlock the Swordwhip weapon. The sale of the latter, known as the "Iga's backpack", has sparked some controversy among Kickstarter's donors as it was originally an exclusive reward.

505's global brand manager, Roberto Angel-Corlux, explained in detail the move to Kickstarter, noting that it was not just money. According to him, the publisher wanted to allow everyone to "legitimately" get all the experience and discourage piracy.

He wrote:

To try to be as transparent as possible, making this content accessible to everyone was not just about money. I mean, obviously, that's part of it, but the main thing I thought was to make sure everyone had a safe and legitimate way to get a complete gaming experience, no matter when they discover Bloodstained, whether it's 5 months or 5 years ago. now, and that we respect the price initially paid by the contributors (hence the DLC price).

As a gambling pirate due to bull **** anticompetitive practices or as a trial and then buy test (something largely obsoleted by modern payback systems), I wanted to eliminate as many reasons to hack as possible. All of the above = the downloadable content "Iga's Back Pack". I hope that makes sense. I understand that not everyone will be 100% satisfied with this decision, but I hope it will help to understand the reasoning behind it. And of course, all contributors entitled to this content will receive the free DLC.

As expected, the update caused a negative reaction from the community.

"I felt compelled to bitterly support the game at a higher level than I wanted and now I feel stolen," wrote one contributor. "I suggest you fix this problem as soon as possible or Blood stain"The only lasting legacy will be how you ripped us off," wrote another.

Regarding free downloadable content, here's what players can expect:

  • Speedrun mode
  • Pure holding miriam
  • Boss Rush Mode
  • Cooperative mode versus versus online and local
  • Roguelike fashion
  • Two additional playable characters
  • chaos mode
  • Classic fashion
  • Boss Revenge mode

Bloody: Ritual of the Night will be released on June 18, 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. An output for Nintendo Switch will follow on June 25th.

[Source: Kickstarter, Bloodstained (official website)]


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