The Sekiro trap is hilarious, killing banners on the left and right


FromSoftware, the developers of Transmitted by blood, Dark souls, and now Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice, have always watched their fans with surprise enemies. While fans are still waiting to learn by death, players have found a new enemy in Sekiro it can take the cake for the most creative meeting.

[[[[Warning: This post contains spoilers for the first 10 hours of Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice. If you have not reached the castle area, turn around now.]

In the area of ​​Ashina Castle, there is a big city with a multitude of enemies on the ground, which leaves the roofs in the foreground. Here, assassins dressed like owls wait behind the corners or perch on the edges of the roofs. A particular assassin takes extra initiative and hides in the clouds. To the delight of the spectators, this assassin is the ideal trap to ruin the tracks of streamers.

The video below of SaneTBD on YouTube shows it perfectly.

In reality, the assassin hides on a kite attached to the side of the castle. It's hardly less impressive than hiding in the clouds themselves. When players reach a certain threshold on the roof, the killer jumps from the kite, collapses to the ground and, hopefully, into the player.

The attack deals as much damage as you would expect from an adult owl-man with a bunch of knives. By the time most players reach this zone, they usually need enough damage to kill them immediately. Otherwise, it's enough to make the next fight much more difficult.

Players can avoid the ninja kite if they know it's coming. But all players – even the streamers in particular – have to die at least once. This is the new Sekiro Rite of passage. And as shown in the video above, he has already made several victims.


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