The Senate Dems presents a measure to abolish the electoral college


A group of Democratic senators on Tuesday introduced a measure to abolish the electoral college, picking up a topic of debate that caught fire in the presidential field of the 2020 Democratic Party.

The measure serves as complementary legislation to the one introduced in the House by the representative Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., And includes a presidential candidate, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, among her co-sponsors. The Democrat Sense Dick Durbin of Illinois, Dianne Feinstein of California and Brian Schatz of Hawaii also sponsored the resolution.


The constituency was the subject of new Democratic criticism following President Trump's victory in 2016. While he had defeated Hillary Clinton in the electoral vote, he had lost the popular vote by 2, 9 million votes.

"Before the 2000 elections, I introduced a bipartisan resolution to amend the Constitution and create a system of direct election of presidents," Durbin said in a statement. "And I still believe today, as I thought then, that the Electoral College is a vestige of a shameful period in the history of our country and allows some votes to weigh heavier than others."

With its support for complementary legislation Tuesday, Gillibrand is another Democratic hope for 2020 embracing the idea of ​​toppling the constituency in favor of a popular vote election.

"All Americans should know that their vote counts, regardless of the state in which they live, and that is why we need a more democratic system that guarantees a person, a vote," said Gillibrand. "The Electoral College distorted the election result and deprived the voting rights of millions of voters, and I think that is wrong. I think it's time to get rid of the constituency and I'm ready to fight in Congress and across the country to pass this constitutional amendment.


The law was unveiled a day after another 2020 candidate, former Texas Democratic representative Beto O'Rourke on Monday reiterated his request to abolish the electoral college.

Responding to a question from the public at the We The People Summit in Washington, O'Rourke said the removal of the Electoral College would restore voter confidence and help hold fair elections.

"Let's abolish the electoral college," O'Rourke said. "If we get rid of the constituency, we would get closer to a person, a vote."

He added, "Our democracy … it's skewed, it's corrupt right now. If we do not solve the problem, things will never get better. "


O'Rourke's appeal echoes that of his compatriot, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Who also advocated the abolition of the Electoral College.

"Every vote counts and the way we can do it is that we can have a national vote, which means we get rid of the constituency," Warren said.

But these calls aroused skepticism, even from other Democrats.

Tulsi Gabbard, representative of D-Hawaii, presidential candidate of 2020, said in a recent interview that even though the subject deserves to be debated, the result of the electoral college. "


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