The senator deplores the call by O & # 39; Rourke for guns to be used against Democrats for years


Senator Chris Coons said that, while enjoying the passion of his former representative, Beto O. Rourke, on the gun issue, it remains to be seen whether O 'Rourke has done more harm than well when he said that he was going to confiscate the AR-15s at Thursday's meeting of the Democratic primary debate party.

Coons told CNN on Friday that he was not supporting the mandatory confiscation of the AR-15s.

"And frankly, I think this clip will be aired for years at Second Amendment rallies with organizations that are trying to scare people into saying," Democrats are picking up their guns, "Coons said of the commentary. from O 'Rourke.

"I am an arms owner." My sons and I went hunting and pigeon shooting, and frankly, I do not think our presidential candidates, as did the member of the Congress O. Rourke, say we will try the guns against their will is a wise political or political decision, "he added.

CNN presenter, Poppy Harlow, asked the Delaware Democrat if O 'Rourke had hurt the party with his call for action.

"We must see, I respect his passion, all those who had to sit with the parents of victims of armed violence, the parents who lost their children, as I did after the shooting of Sandy Hook, after that of Tucson, parents … sit down with a parent who has lost a child and do not know how we are going to make the country safer is a very difficult experience. So what motivates Congressman O & # Rourke, but I do not do it.Think of a political position that will remain valid, "replied Coons.

During Thursday evening's debate, O 'Rourke said, "If the high impact bullet and high velocity when it hits your body shreds everything inside your body because it was designed to do it … God, let's take your AR-15, your AK-47, we will not allow it to be used on American compatriots anymore. "

When asked Friday whether the confiscation would be voluntary, O & Rourke told MSNBC that it would be mandatory.

O 'Rourke later replied to Coons, tweeting that he respected the senator, "the time it takes to let the status quo policy determine how far we can go is over. we agree that having millions of weapons of war on the streets is a bad idea, we must do something about it. "


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