The shortage of helium could affect jobs and research


CNN, (WILX) – A global shortage of helium could begin to affect jobs as well as research that supports our modern life.

helium shortage

Dr. Kevin Blair, head of instrumentation at Western Michigan University, explains that helium is a non-renewable source that only the sun can manufacture.

In the years before the shortage, he would pay about $ 200 for a helium cylinder.

Now, depending on the quality of helium, he could pay more than $ 20,000.

The element also allows doctors to perform MRI examinations to detect torn ligamentous lesions in brain tumors.

Blair says this shortage is serious.

"We had to modify some of the labs in our classrooms to make sure we could continue using the instruments, and we are now using nitrogen in some of our instruments instead of helium. is not as good for separation but it's safe, "he said.


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