The son of the detainee, his grandson arrested in the middle of an explosion at the execution


Prison officials said the emotions had escalated during execution in Texas, resulting in the arrest of the detainee's son and grandchild after they rocked and kicked in. foot to other witnesses of the lethal injection.

Billie Wayne Coble was executed on Thursday night for the death in 1989 of the parents and brother of his wife, near Waco.

The veteran of the Vietnam War, aged 70, uttered his last words from inside the death chamber, telling people in an adjoining room that he loved them.

His son, Gordon Wayne Coble, aged 45, became emotional and hit the windows of the room. Prison officials say he was flogged, along with his wife and son, 21-year-old Dalton Coble.

The men were finally taken outside to a courtyard where they were handcuffed and arrested.

The two men were jailed Friday for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.


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