The soundbar JBL Android, long delayed, is finally available for purchase


Link Bar, JBL's $ 400 soundbar, the Hybrid / Hybrid Android TV decoder, is finally available for purchase, one year after its scheduled release. Android font indicates that the soundbar is listed as "ready to ship" in JBL's US store, while on the other side of the Atlantic, JBL (UK) indicates that the sound bar should be in stock on July 18th.

JBL's Android Soundbar has been a long time coming. The announcement had been announced at Google I / O last year, when Google announced the summer release of this device, calling it "the first in a series of hybrid devices offering a Complete experience of the Assistant Speaker and Android TV. its planned summer release date came and remained without official word from Google and JBL. In January of this year, JBL announced that it would release the Link Bar this spring, before pushing its release again a month later.

It's a shame we had to wait so long for the Link Bar to see the light of day. Although it tries to combine the features of an ambitious number of devices, it offers clever ideas on how to make it work. Finally, we will finally see if these ideas actually work in practice.


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