The survey on Russia is not "ranked" for Donald Trump Jr.


One day after the proclamation of the inquiry into Russia by the majority leader of the Senate, "the case is closed" in a speech before the Senate – and a few hours after President Trump declared the same on Twitter – several news agencies reported on Wednesday that the Senate Intelligence Committee had issued a subpoena. additional testimony of Donald Trump Jr. on the investigation of Russia, surprise action of a committee controlled by Republicans in the Senate.

The summons to appear was first published by Axios on Wednesday.

The news of the Trump Jr. summons was announced just as the House Judiciary Committee voted Wednesday to declare Attorney General William Barr guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over the Mueller report in its entirety, recalling that the president had said the investigation on Russia must be completed, it continues, even in the Senate controlled by the GOP.

The reported subpoena was reprimanded by Republican High Representative of the US House Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

"It's time to move on," said McCarthy, echoing the motto of GOP leaders and the White House.

It was not immediately clear why the Senate Intelligence Committee – which has already interviewed the President's son – would like Trump Jr. to come back for more questions / answers.

While Trump Jr. repeatedly testified before Congress, the Mueller report showed that the special council office had never questioned him during the investigation of Russia.

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On page 125 of the Mueller Report, investigators said, during the review of the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June 2016, that Trump Jr. "had refused to be questioned" by the l. special advocate.

On page 317 of the Mueller report, there was an editorial about Trump Jr., which, according to some experts, also concerns the inability of a grand jury to hear the evidence of the president's son.

Trump Jr. proclaimed his defense while the redacted version of the Mueller report was released in April:

While the Senate Intelligence Committee reported on Trump Jr., the House's Intelligence Committee added Wednesday to Democrat pressure on Attorney General William Barr, when the commission joined the Justice the Chamber to issue a subpoena to appear before the Mueller report with counter-intelligence information involved in the investigation.

"The Department of Justice responded to our requests with silence and challenge," said Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). "Congress needs the equipment, we will not be obstructed."

Just as Republicans said it was time to "move on", the Democrats refrained from saying that the Trump White House and the Justice Department routinely opposed the legitimate scrutiny exercised by the Congress.

"The Attorney General of the United States is obstructing," said Ted Deutch (R-FL).

But the Republicans did not have any.

"Democrats must end," said Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

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