The Taliban have occupied Kabul for 48 hours. Women have already disappeared from the streets


There is one big change, however: there are hardly any women here. Since the Taliban took control of the Afghan capital on Sunday, women have largely remained inside.
The Taliban have said time and again that women’s rights will be protected under their rule, but it is clear that many Afghan women are terrified of the prospect of living under the Taliban.

Far fewer women are venturing onto the streets now, compared to just a few days ago. Those who brave the outside world tend to be dressed more conservatively than before, their faces often covered in niqabs or veils.

Many educated and fearless women who have spent the past decade building their careers are desperate for a way out, fearing they will be targeted by the Taliban.

“I think about my future, about my daughters, what will happen to them if they kill me – two motherless daughters,” a woman told CNN.

The woman, who CNN does not name for security reasons, has worked for a number of international NGOs. She said she spent days desperately begging for their help, but none responded.

“It’s not easy … having more than 10 years of international experience [organizations] and none of them helped me, ”she said.

Men stand outside a clothing store in central Kabul.  The store owner told CNN he has sold significantly more burqas in recent days.

Fear encompasses everything

For a clothing store in central Kabul, the Taliban takeover has boosted business; Its owner told CNN that he has sold numerous burqas in recent days.

The garment covers the body from head to toe, with a mesh panel over the eyes. It was compulsory attire for women when the Taliban last ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s.

The burqa has become much less common in Kabul over the past two decades, but news that the Taliban are once again in charge has sparked an increase in sales.

The trader said his customers – mostly men – are afraid and buy them for their wives, daughters and other women in their lives because they believe that from now on, wearing a burqa may be the only way to them to stay safe. the streets.

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It is the tense reality of life in Kabul now.

For now, the Taliban are insisting that life go on as normal, telling officials to return to work.

The leaders of the group insist that there is no danger to the “property, honor and life” of Afghan citizens, and they have told their fighters not to enter people’s homes or homes. to confiscate their cars.

However, promises are not enough to allay people’s concerns.

Heavily armed Taliban fighters patrolling downtown Kabul may not yet impose tough rules on people’s lives, but fears that this could change at any time is global.

CNN’s Clarissa Ward and Brent Swails reported from Kabul, Afghanistan. CNN’s Ivana Kottasová writes from London.


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