The Tennessee Titans left the field on fire in their first home game. No, literally – the field was on fire


Shortly before the start of the game, the team's pyrotechnic equipment broke, causing a small fire near the northern area. Talk about getting hot.

Here's how it happened: Titans players broke out of the locker room and on the ground as gusts of fire were shooting high in the air around them – a familiar sight for all who attend a stadium show. But that was not the case.
Something went wrong along the way and a fire burned the sideline after the players cleared the field. Nobody was hurt, ESPN reported.

It quickly went off, but the excitement was not there. The real confrontation began at the kickoff.

The Titans' management did not comment on the fire, but at least they can say that the team has left the field on fire, that it wins or that it loses.


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