The third generation Ryzen Threadripper Zen 2 processors are mysteriously visible in AMD's 2019 roadmap


2nd generation of threadripper 12

It would appear that AMD has made some changes to its range of processors for 2019 and that at least one expected product family has had time to boot. In March, AMD presented investors with its 2019 product roadmap, in which it clearly showed thatrd generation of Ryzen 3000 desktop processors would arrive in mid-2019, while the 3rd The generation of Ryzen Threadripper processors would arrive a little later in 2019.

However, in its most recent investor report last week (and now available online as a PDF), the 3rdThe generation of Ryzen Threadripper processors is a non-show. We can not say that this revelation is as well terribly surprising for a number of reasons, such as the 3rd generation of Ryzen Threadripper processors share their 7nm Zen 2 microarchitecture with the Ryzen 3000 and 2 desktopNorth Dakota generation of EPYC server processors "Rome".

roadmap for May 2019
AMD Processor Roadmap for 2019 (as of May 2019)

For starters, the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2000 Series processors of the current generation are not really beyond their peak. In fact, they continue to bang and take names (especially in multicore performances) with available SKUs including up to 32 physical cores capable of performing 64 total tasks (Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX). AMD already delivers performance comparable to that of Intel's current generation Core X-Series processors, while reducing them significantly in terms of price.

roadmap amd march 2019
AMD Processor Roadmap for 2019 (as of March 2019)

Secondly, it is likely that AMD wants to devote as much resources as possible to the unprecedented market of desktop computers with Ryzen 3000 and to the highly lucrative server market with the 2North Dakota generation of EPYC processors. With this in mind, AMD can easily wait until 2020 to launch the Ryzen Threadripper 3000 series on the market.

amd zen family

The updated presentation also shows that the 7 nm Zen 2 is currently being sampled (in preparation for the third quarter launch), while Zen 3 is on track at 7 nm +. These chips are likely to start arriving in a little over a year thanks to the Ryzen 4000 series processors. Finally, AMD claims that Zen 4 is currently "in design". The process node that AMD has in stock for these processors is not detailed, but it could be 6 or 5 nm, both of which TSMC is actively developing for customers.


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