The top spot can surprise you


Spider-Man: far from home will complete the third phase of the Marvel Film Universe this summer, and the film would establish that the surviving members of the six Avengers "Are in their own corners of the universe" and will not appear in the future Avengers movies.

This means that it is a good time to talk about which OG Avenger is the best and make a list to prove our point. While we like Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Strange doctor – as well as all the other MCU superheroes – we must stick to the top six, otherwise this list will never end.

The original Avengers
Producers Kevin Feige, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner | Photo of Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images

Of course, no one will ever agree on
which Avenger is the best or
The Strongest. But it's always fun to give your opinion. Leave him
the arguments begin!

6. Hawkeye

Poor Hawkeye. We want to love him, but Marvel did not give us a chance. Of course, he can use a bow and arrows better than anyone, but does that make him a superhero? Even Jeremy Renner admitted that he had difficulties with the character.

"First Avengers, I just wanted to know who was Hawkeye, then zap,
I'm running around like a zombie, I'm a servant of Loki and I'm still not sure
who was Hawkeye, "said Renner Screen Crush. "I'm a little frustrated because I was so excited about
to understand who Hawkeye was.

Marvel has never given anything to Hawkeye
do, and he did not even appear in the four Avengers movies.

5. The Hulk

The beginning of Hulk was difficult with the portrait of Edward Norton in The incredible Hulk, but by the time Mark Ruffalo took over the role in The Avengershe has begun to make huge progress in the right direction.

The Hulk smash is fun, and it is
easily one of the most powerful members of the Avengers but it's Bruce Banner's fight to have a monster
trapped inside him that makes the character relatable, and interesting to
watch. Unfortunately, the character was incoherent, which is why he is
so low on the list. But, it has incredible potential thanks to Avengers: End of the game.

While The Hulk and Bruce Banner
began as two distinct identities, his appearance as a teacher Hulk –
that gives the character the strength and talents of Banner – was
something the fans were waiting to see. But, since he can not do any solo film
(Universal Pictures has these rights), its future is unresolved.

4. Captain America

Although many people put Chris Evans's Cap at the top of the list, we just can not do it. He has neither the strength of Hulk, nor the intellect of Iron Man, nor even the weapons skills of Hawkeye. What makes him a hero is his unshakable morality. Yes, he's still fighting for what's "right", but his outdated Boy Scouting approach may seem old-fashioned.

"If you're hurt, hurt him back. Yes
you're killed, go on, "he says in Age
d & # 39; Ultron.
While it's cute, and there's no question that it's a strong leader
with a big heart who believes that anything is possible, his shield can only
Get it so far. Do we love Steve Rogers? Of course! He is an incredible soldier
who obviously spends hours at the gym. And, Chris Evans is amazing in the
role. But that's not enough to make it stand out as the best Avenger.

3. black widow

She's a "super spy" and a "deadly assassin," says Marvel, and her skills range from judo to kung fu to ballet. Scarjo's Black Widow is the best in everything she does and she will always find a way to do her job, even if it means sacrificing herself to defeat the enemy.

Unlike Captain America, the world of Black Widow is not black and white, but it lives in this gray area that makes it so effective. She can go to places inaccessible to others, she is incredibly resourceful and it always helps to get the information she needs. Black Widow also plays an important role in the Avengers because she can make difficult decisions and pull the trigger.

The most amazing thing about it –
and the portrait of Scarlett Johanssen – is
that she can do all this without super powers. It does not matter if it frees
to be tied to a chair or to pull out a security team, Black Widow
go do it. Black Widow can not handle anything. And if that
was not for her, the Avengers would not
have known all the threats they really faced, let alone defeated them.

Lose it in End of Game was brutal but at least we have his solo movie to watch
send to.

2. Thor

Like The Hulk, Thor did not get the best start in the MCU, and he even took a turn for the worse (does anyone like The dark world?) But he caught up Thor: Ragnarok and the four Avengers movies.

Thor never runs out of a fight – even
if is on Fortnite – and the demi-god is never afraid to put the rest of the
team on his back when needed. He is a protector who is willing to do
sacrifices. And, even though he lost just about everything that interested him, he
continues to fight to defeat Thanos and puts his life in danger.

This complex character is by far one
of the strongest Avengers, and he
will do everything in his power to protect the people he loves. At the same time, he
is far from perfect, but it makes it even better and easier to understand. Chris
Hemsworth brought Thor to life in the best of ways. He risks his life for
the greatest good, and – as co-director Joe Russo says – he's both "hilarious and

To top it off, Thor has
absolutely the coolest weapon of all the superheroes of the MCU.

1. Iron Man

The only reason Iron Man Thor is superior to Tony, Tony Stark who started everything, and Robert Downey Jr. is why the MCU has become what it is today. Like Thor, Tony Stark is an imperfect avenger who is an "adorable bad * ss" who has grown immensely over the course of his career.

It's amazing that a genius,
billionaire, playboy philanthropist is a relatable character. But he is
because he's so human. Ultimately, Tony Stark is a guy who
just trying to do good in the world, and he's using all the resources
at his disposal to get there.

Iron Man is far from perfect, but he wants to be a good guy who does the right thing. The fact that his own character flaws sometimes prevent him from being loved by us. He learned from his mistakes and his growth as Avenger gave fans the hope of being able to follow in his footsteps.


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